SEMU - Muziekuitgevers / Editeurs de Musique
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Following in-depth discussions and consultation of the umbrella organisations of all sectors SEMU proposes a licence that governs the conditions within which a copy of a protected work can be made and used.

A licence is already available for the following sectors:

  •  Music schools (Part-time Art education)
  •  Non-university higher education (Music conservatories)
  •  Choirs
  •  Instrumental ensembles (Harmony, Brass band, Bigband, Chamber music ensemble, String orchestra, ...)

Short overview of rates:
  • Part-time art education:
    • 7 € per student with full tuition fee
    • 4 € per student with reduced tuition fee

    These amounts are VAT included and per school year. They are reduced by 0.20 € if the competent authority pays the reprography fee to Reprobel. Only students who effectively use sheet music are included.


  • Non-university higher education (Music Conservatories)
    • 15 € per student in a Music discipline

    These amounts are VAT included and per school year. They are reduced by 0.20 € if the competent authority pays the reprography fee to Reprobel.


  • Vocal and instrumental ensembles:
    • basic fee of 50 € + 2.5 € (+6% VAT) per active member. Collaborators or committee members who do not use sheet music are excluded.

    These rates are indexed every year in accordance with the health index, for the first time on 1 September 2004 for the educational institutes and from 1 January 2005 for the other licences.

